2024 State Ballot Measures


Initiatives, referenda, amendments, and propositions are on the ballot throughout 2024 in multiple states.

Disclaimer: The selected measures listed are not final and are subject to changes, additions, and eliminations. For additional information, please contact Meghan Holihan.

State Date Issue(s) Title Summary Result
Arizona 11/5/2024 Elections Proposition 140 This amendment would replace partisan primaries with open primary elections where all candidates, regardless of party appear on the same, single ballot. It would estbalish ranked choice voting in general elections when three or more candidates advance from primaries. Failed
Arizona 11/5/2024 Immigration Proposition 314 This measure would make it a state crime for noncitizens to enter the state at any location other than the port of entry; allow state and local police to arrest noncitizens who cross the border unlawfully; allow state judges to order deportations; require the use of the E-Verify program in order to determine the immigration status of individuals before the enrollment in a financial aid or public welfare program; make it a Class 1 misdemeanor for individuals who submit false information or documents to an employer to evade detection of employment eligibility under the E-verify program, make it Class 6 felony for a second offense of the preceding offense, and make the sale of fentanyl a Class 2 felony if the person knowingly sells fentanyl and it results in the death of another person. PASSED
Arizona 11/5/2024 Reproductive Healthcare Proposition 139 This amendment would have the effect of creating a fundamental right to abortion under Arizona’s constitution. PASSED
Colorado 11/5/2024 Reproductive Healthcare Amendment 79 This amendment would support creation of a right to abortion in the state constitution and allowance of the use of public funds for abortion. PASSED
Colorado 11/5/2024 Voting Policy Proposition 131 This measure would create an all-candidate primary election for certain state and federal offices, where the top four candidates advance to the general election; and allow voters to rank those candidates in the general election, with votes counted over multiple rounds to determine who wins the election. Failed
Florida 11/5/2024 Elections Amendment 6 This amendment would repeal the state constitutional provision that provides for public financing of campaigns for those running for elective statewide office who agree to campaign spending limits. Failed
Florida 11/5/2024 Reproductive Health Amendment 4 This amendment would provide a constitutional right to abortion before fetal viability, which is estimated to be around 24 weeks, or when necessary to protect the patient's health, as determined by the patient's healthcare provider. Failed
Iowa 11/5/2024 Voting Policy Require Citizenship to Vote in State Elections and Allow 17-Year-Olds to Vote in Primaries Amendment This amendment would state that only a citizen of the U.S., rather than every citizen of the U.S., can vote; and then provides that 17-year-olds who will be 18 by the general election may vote in primary elections. PASSED
Missouri 11/5/2024 Elections Amendment 7 This amendment would amend the state constitution to provide that only U.S. citizens 18 years or older can vote, thereby prohibiting the state or local governments from allowing non-citizen voting; establish that each voter has one vote per issue or open seat; prohibit ranked-choice voting; and require plurality primary elections, where one winner advances to the general election. PASSED
Missouri 11/5/2024 Reproductive Healthcare Amendment 3 This amendment would establish a right to make decisions about reproductive health care, including abortion and contraceptives and allow abortion to be restricted or banned after Fetal Viability except to protect the life or health of the woman. PASSED
Nebraska 11/5/2024 Reproductive Healthcare Initiative 434 This amendment would prohibit abortion in the second and third tremesters unless the procedure is necessitated by a medical emergency, or when the pregnancy is the result from a sexual assault or incest. PASSED
Nebraska 11/5/2024 Reproductive Healthcare Initiative 439 This amendment would provide a fundamental right to abortion until fetal viability or when needed to protect the life or health of the pregnant patient. Failed
Nevada 11/5/2024 Elections Question 3 This initiative would establish open top-five primaries and ranked-choice voting for general elections. Failed
Nevada 11/5/2024 Reproductive Health Question 6 This amendment would provide for a state constitutional right to an abortion, providing for the state to regulate abortion after fetal viability. PASSED
New York 11/5/2024 Discrimination Proposal 1 This measure would amend the Equal Protection Clause in the New York Constitution to prohibit the denial of rights to an individual based on their "ethnicity, national origin, age, [and] disability," as well as their "sex, including sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy, pregnancy outcomes, and reproductive healthcare and autonomy." PASSED
North Carolina 11/5/2024 Elections Citizenship Requirement for Voting Amendment This amendment would prohibit local governments from allowing noncitizens to vote by providing in the state constitution that only a citizen of the U.S., rather than every citizen of the U.S., can vote. PASSED
Ohio 11/5/2024 Elections Issue 1 This amendment would create a new 15-member citizen commission to draw congressional and state legislative districts, beginning in 2025. Failed
Oklahoma 11/5/2024 Elections Question 834 This amendment would amend the state constitution to provide that only U.S. citizens who are 18 years old or older can vote in elections. PASSED
Oregon 11/5/2024 Elections Measure 117 This measure would establish ranked-choice voting for federal and state executive offices beginning in 2028. Failed
Oregon 11/5/2024 Taxes | Government Operations Measure 118 This measure would increase corporate minimum tax on sales exceeding $25 million by 3%, removing the minimum tax cap, and distributing increased revenue to Oregon residents who spend more than 200 days in the state. Failed
South Carolina 11/5/2024 Elections Citizenship Requirement for Voting Amendment This amendment would amend the state constitution to add language that only U.S. citizens who are 18 years old or older can vote in elections. PASSED
Washington 11/5/2024 Energy Initiative No. 2066 This measure would restrict local governments, and the state's energy code, from prohibiting, penalizing, or discouraging the use of gas. It would prevent the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission from 1) incentivizing a gas company or large combination utility to terminate natural gas service to customers or 2) authorizing a gas company or large combination utility to require a customer to involuntarily switch fuel use either by restricting access to natural gas service or by implementing planning requirements that would make access to natural gas service cost-prohibitive. PASSED
Washington 11/5/2024 Environment | Taxes Initative No. 2117 This measure would prohibit any state agencies from implementing a cap and trade or cap and tax program and repeal the 2021 Washington Climate Commitment Act (CCA), a state law that created a cap and invest program designed to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 95% by 2050. Failed
Wisconsin 11/5/2024 Elections Citizenship Voting Requirement Amendment This amendment would add language to the Wisconsin Constitution that only U.S. citizens who are 18 years old or older can vote in federal, state, local, or school elections. PASSED
Alabama 3/5/2024 Government Procedure Amendment 1 This amendment would remove the requirement of a 3/5ths vote of the Legislature to pass a resolution, local legislation, or a local constitutional amendment. Failed
Alaska 11/5/2024 Elections Measure No. 2 This measure would eliminate the open top-four primaries and ranked-choice voting general elections in Alaska, and establish a party primary system. Failed
Alaska 11/5/2024 Minimum Wage Measure No. 1 This measure would increase the minimum wage to $15 per hour by July 1, 2027; provide the ability to accrue up to 56 hours of paid sick leave per year if an employer has 15 employees or more; provide the ability to accrue up to 40 hours of paid sick leave if an employers has under 15 employees; and prohibit employers taking adverse action against employees who refuse to attend employer-sponsored meetings regarding religious or political matters. PASSED
Arizona 11/5/2024 Criminal Law Proposition 313 This measure would guarantee a sentence of life imprisonment without parole if an individual is found guilty of sex trafficking of a child. PASSED
Arizona 11/5/2024 Elections Proposition 133 This amendment would require partisan primary elections for partisan offices. Failed
Arizona 11/5/2024 Elections Proposition 134 This amendment would create a signature distribution requirement for citizen-initiated ballot measures based on state legislative districts. Failed
Arizona 11/5/2024 Elections Proposition 136 This amendment would provide for challenges to an initiative measure or constitutional amendment after the filing of the measure with the secretary of state. Failed
Arizona 11/5/2024 Executive Branch Power Proposition 135 This amendment provides for the legislature to terminate a state of emergency or alter the emergency powers of the governor during the state of emergency, and provide for any emergency powers granted to the governor to automatically terminate 30 days after the state of emergency is proclaimed, unless the state legislature extends the emergency powers granted to the governor, and except in cases for a state of war emergency or an emergency arising from a flood or a fire. Failed
Arizona 11/5/2024 Judiciary Proposition 137 This amendement would end term limits for state supreme court justices and superior court judges, replacing them with terms of good behavior. Failed
Arizona 11/5/2024 State Funds Proposition 311 This measure would establish a $20 fee on every conviction for a criminal offense, which would go to pay a benefit of $250,000 to the family of a first responder who is killed in the line of duty. Failed
Arizona 11/5/2024 State Funds Proposition 315 This measure would prohibit a proposed rule from becoming effective if that rule is estimated to increase regulatory costs by more than $500,000 within five years after implementation, until the legislature enacts legislation ratifying the proposed rule. Failed
Arizona 11/5/2024 Taxes Proposition 312 This measure would allow property owners to apply for a property tax refund if the city or locality in which the property is located does not enforce laws or ordinances regarding illegal camping, loitering, obstructing public thoroughfares, panhandling, public urination or defecation, public consumption of alcoholic beverages, and possession or use of illegal substances. PASSED
Arizona 11/5/2024 Wages Proposition 138 This amendment would allow for tipped workers to be paid 25% less per hour than the minimum wage if any tips received by the employee were not less than the minimum wage plus $2 for all hours worked. Failed
Arkansas 11/5/2024 Education | State Funds Issue 1 This amendment would allow proceeds from the state lottery to fund scholarships and grants for vocational-technical schools and technical institutes. PASSED
Arkansas 11/5/2024 Gambling Issue 2 This measure would change the state constitution to remove the Pope County casino gaming license from the Arkansas Constitution and, should any future amendments authorizing additional casino licenses be approved by a statewide vote, require a special election and approval of voters in the county where that casino would be located to approve it. PASSED
California 11/5/2024 Criminal Law Proposition 36 This measure would make changes to Proposition 47 approved in 2014, including: classifying certain drug offenses as treatment-mandated felonies; increasing penalties for certain drug crimes by increasing sentence lengths and level of crime; requiring courts to warn individuals convicted of distributing illegal drugs of their potential future criminal liability if they distribute deadly drugs like fentanyl, heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine; and increasing sentences for theft based on the value of the property stolen. PASSED
California 11/5/2024 Healthcare Proposition 34 This measure would require health care providers meeting specified criteria to spend 98% of revenues from federal discount prescription drug program on direct patient care; apply only to health care providers that: (1) spent over $100,000,000 in any ten-year period on anything other than direct patient care; and (2) operated multifamily housing reported to have at least 500 high-severity health and safety violations. It would penalize noncompliance with spending restrictions by revoking health care licenses and tax-exempt status. It would permanently authorizes state to negotiate Medi-Cal drug prices on statewide basis. PASSED
California 11/5/2024 Housing Proposition 33 This measure would repeal the Costa Hawkins Rental Housing Act, which prohibits rent control on single family homes, on condominiums, and on newly built rental units. Failed
California 3/5/2024 Mental Health Proposition 1 This measure would permit the state to sell $6.4 billion in new bonds to build mental health care and drug or alcohol treatment centers. It would give $2 billion to the state program that gives money to local governments to turn hotels, motels, and other buildings into housing and construct new housing. PASSED
California 11/5/2024 Minimum Wage Proposition 32 This amendment would increase minimum wage to $18 an hour. Failed
California 11/5/2024 Same Sex Marriage Proposition 3 This measure would repeal Proposition 8 and establish a right to marry. PASSED
California 11/5/2024 Taxes | Healthcare Proposition 35 This measure would permanently authorize a tax on managed care organizations based on monthly enrollees, which is set to expire in 2026, and requiring revenues to be used for increased Medi-Cal programs. PASSED
California 11/5/2024 Taxes | Housing Proposition 5 This amendment would lower the vote threshold from 66.67% to 55% for local special taxes and bond measures to fund housing projects and public infrastructure. Failed
Colorado 11/5/2024 Criminal Law Amendment I This amendment would remove the right to bail in cases of first-degree murder when the proof is evident or the presumption is great. PASSED
Colorado 11/5/2024 Education Amendment 80 This amendment wouldcreate the right to school choice for children in K-12 and create the right for parents to direct the education of their children; and define school choice to include public neighborhood and charter schools, private schools, home schools, open enrollment options, and future innovations in education. Failed
Colorado 11/5/2024 Elections Amendment K This amendment would change the signature deadline for initiative and referendum signature gathering, thereby shorting the collection period by one week, as well as moving the deadline for justices and judges to file declarations of intent to run for another term by one week, in order to allow one extra week for the secretary of state to certify ballot order and content and election officials' deadline to transmit ballots. Failed
Colorado 11/5/2024 Fish & Wildlife Proposition 127 This measure would prohibit the hunting or trapping of bobcats, lynx, and mountain lions; continue to permit the killing of these animals under certain circumstances; and establish penalties for violations. Failed
Colorado 11/5/2024 Law Enforcement | State Funds Proposition 130 This measure would direct the state to spend $350 million to help recruit, train, and retain local law enforcement officers; and provide an additional benefit for families of officers killed in the line of duty. PASSED
Colorado 11/5/2024 Same Sex Marriage Amendment J This amendment would remove the provision of the state constitution that says that "only a union of one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in this state." PASSED
Colorado 11/5/2024 State Funds | Sports Betting Proposition JJ This measure would allow the state to retain tax revenue collected above $29 million annually from the tax on sports betting proceeds authorized by voters in 2019. PASSED
Colorado 11/5/2024 State Judiciary Amendment H This amendment would create an independent judicial discipline adjudicative board and create rules for the judicial discipline process. PASSED
Colorado 11/5/2024 Taxes | Firearms Proposition KK This measure would levy a 6.5% excise tax on the manufacture and sale of firearms and ammunition to be imposed on firearms dealers, manufacturers, and ammunition vendors and appropriating the revenue to the Firearms and Ammunition Excise Tax Cash Fund to be used to fund crime victim services programs, education programs, and mental and behavioral health programs for children and veterans. PASSED
Colorado 11/5/2024 Veterans | Taxes Amendment G This amendment would expand the property tax exemption for veterans with a disability to veterans with individual unemployability status. PASSED
Connecticut 11/5/2024 Voting Policy No-Excuse Absentee Voting Amendment This amendment would authorize the state legislature to provide by law for no-excuse absentee voting. PASSED
Florida 11/5/2024 Elections | Education Amendment 1 This amendment would change school board elections from nonpartisan to partisan beginning in the November 2026 general election and for primary elections nominating party candidates for the 2026 election. Failed
Florida 11/5/2024 Marijuana Amendment 3 This amendment would legalize marijuana for adults 21 years old and older. Failed
Florida 11/5/2024 Recreation Amendment 2 This amendment establishes a state constitutional right to hunt and fish. PASSED
Florida 11/5/2024 Taxes Amendment 5 This amendment would create an annual inflation adjustment to the amount of assessed value that is exempt from property taxation for homestead property. PASSED
Georgia 11/5/2024 State Judiciary Amendment 2 This amendment would create the Georgia Tax Court with statewide jurisdiction. The court would have concurrent jurisdiction with the state business court and superior courts in equity cases. PASSED
Georgia 11/5/2024 Taxes Amendment 1 This amendment would provide a local option homestead property tax exemption and allow a county, municipality, or school system to opt out of the exemption. PASSED
Georgia 11/5/2024 Taxes Referendum A This measure would increase the personal property tax exemption from $7,500 to $20,000. PASSED
Hawaii 11/5/2024 Government Procedure Question 2 This amendment would change the process for appointing and confirming district court judges to be the same as that used for supreme court justices and other higher court judges. PASSED
Hawaii 11/5/2024 Same Sex Marriage Question 1 This amendment would remove a provision of the constitution that states that "the legislature shall have the power to reserve marriage to opposite-sex couples." PASSED
Idaho 11/5/2024 Elections Amendment to Idaho Constitution - HJR 5 This amendment would stipulate that only a citizen of the United States can vote in the state. PASSED
Idaho 11/5/2024 Elections Proposition 1 This measure would replace partisan primaries with open top-four primaries for the U.S. Senate, the U.S. House of Representatives, state legislature, elective state office, and county elective office; and establish ranked-choice voting for general elections, in which voters would rank the candidates. Failed
Illinois 11/5/2024 Elections Penalties for Violation of Duties of Election Worker Advisory Question This question would advise state officials on whether to establish civil penalties if a candidate interferes or attempts to interfere with an election worker's official duties. PASSED
Illinois 11/5/2024 Reproductive Health Assisted Reproductive Healthcare Advisory Question This question would advise state officials on whether to require medically assisted reproductive treatments, including in vitro fertilization, to be covered by any health insurance plan in Illinois that provides full coverage to pregnancy benefits. PASSED
Illinois 11/5/2024 Taxes Income Tax Advisory Question This question would advise state officials on whether to amend the state constitution to create an additional 3% tax on income greater than $1 million for the purpose of dedicating funds to property tax relief. PASSED
Indiana 11/5/2024 Government Procedure Remove Superintendent of Public Instruction from Gubernatorial Line of Succession Amendment This amendment would remove the superintendent of public instruction from the gubernatorial line of succession. PASSED
Iowa 11/5/2024 Government Procedure Gubernatorial Succession Amendment This amendment would provide that the lieutenant governor assumes the office of governor for the remainder of the term— creating a vacancy in the office of lieutenant governor— if the governor dies, resigns, or is removed from office. PASSED
Kentucky 11/5/2024 Education | State Funds Amendment 2 This amendment would enable the General Assembly to provide state funding for the education costs of K-12 students who are not attending public schools. Failed
Kentucky 11/5/2024 Elections Amendment 1 This amendment would require U.S. citizenship to be able to vote in the state. PASSED
Louisiana 11/5/2024 Environment | State Funds Outer Continental Shelf Revenues for Coastal Protection and Restoration Fund Amendment This amendment would require federal revenue received from alternative and renewable energy production in the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) to be deposited in the Coastal Protection and Restoration Fund. PASSED
Louisiana 12/7/2024 Government Operations Amendment 1 The amendment would increase the membership of the judiciary commission by five members; add "malfeasance while in office" to the list of specific actions that the state supreme court can pursue disciplinary action against a judge for; and provide that the judiciary commission is responsible for investigating and recommending disciplinary actions. PASSED
Louisiana 12/7/2024 Government Procedure Amendment 3 This amendment would allow the state legislature to extend its regular session by two-day increments, up to a maximum of six days, in order to pass a bill appropriating money. PASSED
Louisiana 12/7/2024 Government Procedure | State Funds Amendment 2 This amendment would prohibit the consideration of a conference committee report or senate amendments on an appropriations bill until 48 hours after the bill and a summary of the proposed changes is distributed to all legislators. PASSED
Louisiana 12/7/2024 Taxes Amendment 4 This amendment would remove certain provisions in the state constitution related to the administration of property tax sales and instead authorize the state legislature to provide for property tax sales in state law; provide that tax payment postponements can only be granted during emergencies declared by the governor under the Louisiana Homeland Security and Emergency Assistance and Disaster Act; and allow the state legislature to give tax collectors the authority to waive penalties for good cause. PASSED
Maine 11/5/2024 Economic Development Question 2 This measure would issue a $25 million bond to provide funds to be awarded through a competitive process and to leverage matching private and federal funds on at least a one-to-one basis, for research and development and commercialization for Maine-based public and private institutions in support of technological innovation in the targeted sectors of life sciences and biomedical technology, environmental and renewable energy technology, information technology, advanced technologies for forestry and agriculture, aquaculture and marine technology, composites and advanced materials and precision manufacturing. PASSED
Maine 11/5/2024 Elections Question 1 This measure would limit the amount of campaign contributions to $5,000 from individuals and entities to political action committees that make independent expenditures. PASSED
Maine 11/5/2024 State Flag Question 5 This measure would replace the existing state flag with a flag consisting of a pine tree and the North Star on a buff (light tan) background, often called the Pine Tree Flag. Failed
Maryland 11/5/2024 Reproductive Health Right to Reproductive Freedom Amendment This amendment would establish a right to reproductive freedom in the state constitution. PASSED
Minnesota 11/5/2024 Environment | State Funds Amendment 1 This amendment would extend the dedication of lottery-derived revenue to Environment and Natural Resources Fund for 25 years. PASSED
Missouri 11/5/2024 Gambling Amendment 2 This amendment would, among other things, allow the Missouri Gaming Commission to regulate licensed sports wagering including online sports betting, gambling boats, professional sports betting districts and mobile licenses to sports betting operators. PASSED
Missouri 11/5/2024 Gambling Amendment 5 This amendment would, among other things, allow the Missouri Gaming Commission to issue one additional gambling boat license. Failed
Missouri 11/5/2024 Government Operations Amendment 6 This amendment would amend the state constitution to define the administration of justice to include the levying of costs and fees to support the salaries and benefits of sheriffs, former sheriffs, prosecuting attorneys, former prosecuting attorneys, circuit attorneys, and former circuit attorneys. Failed
Missouri 8/6/2024 Law Enforcement | State Funds Amendment 4 This measure would increase minimum funding for a police force established by a state board of police commissioners to ensure such police force has additional resources to serve its communities. This would authorize a law passed in 2022 increasing required funding by the City of Kansas City for police department requests from 20% of general revenue to 25%. PASSED
Missouri 11/5/2024 Minimum Wage Proposition A This amendment would increase minimum wage January 1, 2025 to $13.75 per hour, increasing $1.25 per hour each year until 2026, when the minimum wage would be $15.00 per hour; adjust minimum wage based on changes in the Consumer Price Index each January beginning in 2027; require all employers to provide one hour of paid sick leave for every thirty hours worked; allow the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations to provide oversight and enforcement; and exempt governmental entities, political subdivisions, school districts and education institutions. PASSED
Missouri 8/6/2024 Taxes Amendment 1 This amendment would exempt childcare facilities from property taxation, as well as other properties used primarily for the care of children outside of their homes. Failed
Nebraska 11/5/2024 Marijuana Initiative 437 This measure would legalize limited quantities of cannabis for medical purposes. PASSED
Nebraska 11/5/2024 Wages Initiative 436 This measure would provide eligible employees the right to earn paid sick time for personal or family health needs and entitle employees of employers with fewer than 20 employees to accrue and use up to 40 hours of such time annually and those employed by employers with 20 or more employees to accrue and use up to 56 hours of such time annually. PASSED
Nevada 11/5/2024 Disability Question 2 This amendment would revise language in the Nevada Constitution which refers to public entities for individuals with mental illness, blindness, or deafness. PASSED
Nevada 11/5/2024 Education Question 1 This amendment would remove the Board of Regents from the Nevada Constitution and would authorize the state legislature to review and change the governing organization of state universities. Failed
Nevada 11/5/2024 Slavery Abolition Question 4 This amendment would remove language from the Nevada Constitution that allows the use of slavery or involuntary servitude as criminal punishments. PASSED
Nevada 11/5/2024 Taxes Question 5 This measure would provide a sales tax exemption for both child and adult diapers, including disposable diapers. PASSED
New Hampshire 11/5/2024 Government Operations Increase Mandatory Judicial Retirement Age Amendment This amendment would increase the mandatory retirement age to 70 for county sheriffs and the mandatory judicial retirement age to 75. PASSED
New Mexico 11/5/2024 Government Operations Amendment 3 This amendment would authorize a designee of the dean of the University of New Mexico Law School to serve as chair of the appellate judges nomination commission and require the designee to be an associate dean, a faculty member, a retired faculty member, or a former dean of the law school. PASSED
New Mexico 11/5/2024 Government Operations Amendment 4 This amendment would authorize the board of county commissioners to set salaries for county officers and clarify that fees collected by the county are to be deposited into the county treasury. PASSED
New Mexico 11/5/2024 Veterans Amendment 1 This measure would amend the New Mexico Constitution to extend the disabled veteran property tax exemption to all disabled veterans (or their widows or widowers) in proportion to their federal disability rating. PASSED
New Mexico 11/5/2024 Veterans Amendment 2 This measure would amend the New Mexico Constitution to increase the property tax exemption for honorably discharged members of the armed forces or their widows or widowers from $4,000 to $10,000. PASSED
North Dakota 11/5/2024 Disability Constitutional Measure 1 This amendment would update the language used in the state constitution to describe certain state institutions. PASSED
North Dakota 6/11/2024 Elections Congressional Age Limits This amendment would prevent an individual from being elected or appointed to serve in the United States Senate or United States House of Representatives if the individual would become 81 years old by December 31 of the year preceding the end of their term. PASSED
North Dakota 11/5/2024 Government Procedure Constitutional Measure 2 This measure would establish a single-subject rule for initiatives; increase the signature requirement for constitutional initiatives; and require constitutional initiatives to be approved at two elections. PASSED
North Dakota 11/5/2024 State Funds Constitutional Measure 3 This amendment would decrease the amount of money that can be expended from the state legacy fund during a two-year period from 15% to 5% of the principal of the fund. PASSED
Oklahoma 11/5/2024 Government Procedure Question 833 This amendemnt would allow municipalities to create public infrastructure districts when all property owners within the proposed district sign a petition and allowing public infrastructure districts to issue bonds for public improvements if approved by voters within the district. Failed
Oregon 11/5/2024 Government Operations Measure 116 This amendment would establish the Independent Public Service Compensation Commission to determine certain public officials' salaries. Failed
Oregon 11/5/2024 Government Procedure Measure 115 This amendment would allow the Oregon State Legislature to impeach and remove elected state executives, including the governor, secretary of state, attorney general, treasurer, and commissioner of labor and industries. PASSED
Rhode Island 11/5/2024 Government Procedure Constitutional Convention Question This measure would convene a state constitutional convention. Failed
South Dakota 11/5/2024 Elections Amendment H This measure would replace partisan primaries with top-two primaries for state executive, state legislative, congressional, and county offices. Failed
South Dakota 11/5/2024 Environment Referred Law 21 This veto referendum would repeal Senate Bill 201, which provides statutory requirements for regulating carbon dioxide pipelines and other transmission facilities, and allows counties to impose a surcharge on certain pipeline companies. Failed
South Dakota 11/5/2024 Healthcare Amendment F This amendment would amend the state constitution to provide that the state may impose a work requirement on eligible individuals who are not diagnosed as being mentally or physically disabled in order to receive Medicaid under the Medicaid expansion that took effect on July 1, 2023. PASSED
South Dakota 11/5/2024 Inclusivity Amendment E This amendment would amend the text of the state constitution to change male pronouns to gender-neutral terms or titles. Failed
South Dakota 11/5/2024 Marijuana Initiated Measure 29 This measure would legalize the recreational use, possession, and distribution of marijuana. Failed
South Dakota 11/5/2024 Reproductive Health Amendment G This amendment would establish a constitutional right to an abortion within the state and would provide a legal framework for the regulation of abortion. Failed
South Dakota 11/5/2024 Taxes Initiative Measure 28 This measure would prohibit state sales taxes on anything sold for human consumption, excluding alcoholic beverages or prepared food. Failed
Utah 11/5/2024 Elections Amendment C This amendment would establish in the state constitution that every county shall elect a sheriff to serve for four-year terms. PASSED
Utah 11/5/2024 State Funds, Education Amendment B This amendment would increase the limit on annual distributions from the State School Fund for public education from 4% to 5% of the fund. PASSED
Virginia 11/5/2024 Taxes Property Tax Exemption for Veterans and Surviving Spouses Amendment This amendment would amend language in the Virginia Constitution regarding property tax exemptions for veterans and surviving spouses to say died in the line of duty rather than killed in action. PASSED
Washington 11/5/2024 Healthcare Initative No. 2124 This measure would allow employees and self-employed individuals to opt out of the state-run long-term-care (LTC) insurance program. It also requires employees and self-employed individuals to elect to keep coverage. Rules must be promulgated to implement this change. Failed
Washington 11/5/2024 Taxes Initiative No. 2109 This measure would repeal the capital gains excise tax imposed on long-term capital assets by individuals with capital gains over $250,000. Failed
West Virginia 11/5/2024 Healthcare Amendment 1 This amendment would prohibit people, physicians, and health care providers from participating in "the practice of medically assisted suicide, euthanasia, or mercy killing of a person." The State is exempted if providing capital punishment. PASSED
Wisconsin 4/2/2024 Elections Question 1 This amendment would prohibit any level of government in the state from applying or accepting non-governmental funds or equipment for election administration. PASSED
Wisconsin 4/2/2024 Elections Question 2 This amendment prohibits any individual other than an election official designated by law from performing any task in the conduct of any primary, election, or referendum. PASSED
Wisconsin 8/13/2024 Government Operations | State Funds Delegation of Appropriation Power This amendment would prohibit the legislature from delegating its power to appropriate money. Failed
Wisconsin 8/13/2024 Government Operations | State Funds Allocation of Federal Moneys This amendment would require legislative approval via a joint resolution before the governor can expend federal money appropriated to the state. Failed
Wyoming 11/5/2024 Taxes Property Tax on Residential Property and Owner-Occupied Primary Residences Amendment This amendment would adding residential real property as a fourth, separate, class of property and authorizing the legislature to create a subclass of residential property for owner-occupied primary residences, which could be assessed at a different rate from other property in the residential property class. PASSED